Over the years, TEDxUniversityofSalford has become a catalyst for change—a platform where bold ideas ignite minds, inspire action, and empower individuals to think beyond the imaginable. From themes like “Rejuvenation,” which sparksrenewal and hope, to “Become Unstoppable,” which breaks barriers and elevates perspectives, each event has pushed the boundaries of innovation and thought leadership.
Join us for an extraordinary day with visionary speakers, groundbreaking ideas, and transformative performances. Together, we’ll explore what it means to reach beyond the ordinary, redefine limits, and aim higher—in thought, action, and purpose.
Don’t miss this opportunity to join a growing movement that challenges the status quo and inspires change. Reserve your spot today and take the first step toward seeking higher things.
This will be the third TEDx event to be held at the University of Salford, and we hope that we can create an annual event that will employ the skills of students and individuals from all disciplines within the University of Salford and beyond.